The Brü Crew consists of childhood friends, Matt and Luke. Despite venturing off onto different paths of life, they've remained the best bros and have continued to make themselves (and only themselves) laugh relentlessly.

The Brü Crew channel, website, and lifestyle is dedicated to sharing knowledge picked up along life's journey whether that be through banter (hilarious), videos (hilarious), or from a nice conversation over a cup of joe (especially hilarious.)

We are the Brü Crew.

We love you.


Our Story

Luke and Matt met each other when they were 12 years old in Catholic school in good ol' Chandler, AZ. They were initially skeptical of each other and were a tad hesitant on beginning the beautiful journey that is friendship. Later they acknowledged that knowing and being friends with someone equally awesome (stupid) isn't a burden at all... 

it's a gosh darn blessin'.

They quickly blossomed into best friends and wanted to share their witty banter with the world. They always had a new idea for a possible business, entertainment company, production company, record label, or YouTube channel.Luckily for everyone, they never followed through with anything so no one had to bear witness to the existence of a 16 year old Matt/Luke combo blabbing on about how they knew everything (both are still confident they did know and still do know everything there is to know, about everything).


Come 2014, however, everything changed. They took a grand adventure to Washington D.C. and New York City. It was a glorious time indeed. The duo started to realize "Hey...we're still young and dumb. But we are less dumb and slightly older than before!" So they methodically (read: hastily) put together an idea for a travel blog/vlog to start to document their various endeavors together. Over the course of the next couple of weeks they created the #WellTraveledGurus. For some reason, 24 year old Matt and 24 year old Luke (neither of which are very well traveled) decided that they were the definitive gurus of eating well, traveling, and finding zen in your life because we took a trip to DC and NYC. It makes perfect sense. So much culture! These guys were total gurus, they even went to the most well traveled spot on the planet! That everyone goes to! All the time!


Come October 2014 Matt had some good/bad news for Luke. He was going to drop his life and abruptly move to Los Angeles to become a world renown thespian. Luke was quite devastated by the news because the separation would spell the end of the perfectly, logically thought out WellTraveledGurus. Rumor has it he camped out in the forest by himself for two weeks to escape the emotional misery and turmoil he was experiencing. He survived on berries and fermented bear urine.

Rumor has it.

Matt was in Los Angeles hating everyone and Luke was in Gilbert, AZ teaching people how to advise in financial matters. It was a painful year, at least for Matt because it turns out that Los Angeles is everything he's ever hated in the world. Matt was experiencing near super star levels of success by grabbing a total of 4 minutes of screen time on a food network reality show called Food Fortunes and being an extra on a Lifetime TV show that he doesn't know the name of because he hated everything (and it was an awful, awful program) when all of a sudden his dream was cut short by a shitty medical diagnosis. Young Matthew had to move back home with his family in June of 2015. It was the death of an old dream and the rebirth of an even older one...

...being awesome together in front of a camera.

With Matt and Luke being reunited, plans of reestablishing the WellTraveledGurus instantly started coming up. They held weekly business meetings at various coffee shops, Barnes and Nobles, and living rooms around the Phoenix metropolitan area. They rattled off million dollar ideas over five too many cups of coffee on a consistent basis. Momentum was really starting to build and the not-at-all self-deprecating comedic duo were starting to feel really good about where they were heading.

But epiphany...

On the eve of a trip to Jerome, AZ (check out the hot vid and hot pics, brüs) the two realized that they probably weren't the be-all and end-all of traveling, finding zen, and eating well. However, they absolutely were gurus of drinking the shit out of a shit ton of coffee while discussing various things, such as; happiness, philosophy, love, life, and finance (#blessed).

Magic started to be conjured, and soon thereafter....

The Brü Crew was born from the fire. 

So if you like to drink coffee (or other warm libations) and pretend to know things then you can consider yourself a member of the Brü Crew. No facts necessary. Just opinions without logical foundations. May the loudest voice win.